
Moving Brands
Web Content
Driven by passion.
Driven to deliver.
Driven for better.
This is Modern Logistics.
A logistics company you can truly partner with when they say something, they mean it.
We explored a range of heart-like forms to strike a balance between interlocking M + L within the symbol.
We also noticed opportunities within color trends to move beyond their competitors.
We designed a range of patterns and modular layouts, when combined, these elements provides a structural foundation, allowing the brand to flex between energetic and calm moments.
Yellow within MoLo's system was used purposefully and directly to steer our attention to key pieces of information. In data visualization, we use yellow as a visual indicator to show when items need attending to. Yellow stands out of the palette and allows us to use it thoughtfully when showcasing information.
We focus photography selection around four specific areas that speak to MoLo everyday lives. Capturing employees, working relationships, partnerships with shippers and carriers based around  places they've been.